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Iue Cwa Coudersport Pa



Morgan AM&T Coudersport

Recent News


Next Meeting
September  9



Picnic at CARP Park

See bulletin board
for more info







Check out the IUE-CWA
website for other Scholarships
Click Here






It pays to attend Union Meetings




If anyone was billed for the blood work for their wellness visit see Aaron

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New bylaws will be updated soon


Up Coming Events


Monthly Meeting: 09/09/24
2:00 PM

Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Financial Report
Committee Reports
Old Business
New Business
Good and Welfare of the Local




Stewards need to attend to keep abreast of events.

Meeting attendance is critical if we are to keep the membership abreast of current events and issues within the local. Solidarity is what keeps us strong. Each member is important to the local.


Brenda Mack Dan Kerr




Useful Links


Action Centerkk

 Do You Know Your Weingarten Rights? read More HERE!


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